Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Wednesday Cover(s): Zarkon, Lord Of The Unknown

I've been on a bit of a Lin Carter binge of late, catching up with some of the author's fantasy series that had previously eluded me. I'm currently reading his five-volume "Green Star" sword & planet cycle (and will probably write something about those books over on my Perils On Planet X blog), but I also recently purchased the initial three books in his Prince Zarkon, Lord Of The Unknown, series.... which I intend to read next.

The Zarkon books are Carter's take on the Lester Dent "Doc Savage" school of adventure pulp fiction, and I look forward to reading them once I finish with the "Green Star" novels. I specifically sought out the original printings because I thought artist Don Maitz's cover paintings on those paperbacks were especially cool. See if you agree....


  1. Carter's Green Star books were my favorites of his.

  2. Been reading the Green Star series (just wrapping up volume 3). It's an entertaining read, and I can see why many of Carter's fans favor it, but I've got to admit that as a sword & planet series, I prefer the Callisto books.

  3. Were these the only three books in the series?

  4. No, there were two more published about a decade later: "The Earth Shaker" and "Horror Wears Blue."

    I wanted to read the original trilogy first before buying those later sequels. (Besides, they didn't have Don Maitz cover paintings.)

  5. I have The Nemesis of Evil and The Volcano Ogre with the Maitz covers. I've read the first one and it was pretty good. I'm also a big Doc Savage fan so...

    Did you ever read Doc Sidhe by Aaron Allston?

  6. "Did you ever read Doc Sidhe by Aaron Allston?"

    Yeah. I have a copy and read it a few years back. Don't really remember much of it, though.
