Friday, January 14, 2011

The Corpse Wore White Go-Go Boots

This gorgeous paperback cover painting by Lou Feck is one of my most prized possessions. I bought it about ten years ago from a colleague who claimed to have found it - along with some other original paintings by different artists - in a dumpster behind a New York office building.

As a kid growing up, I had admired Feck's art on a number of paperbacks I owned (including a Bantam collection of Robert E. Howard's Kull stories, and at least one of the James Blish Star Trek books), and he was one of the first cover artists that I learned to identify. When I had the opportunity to buy this Feck original - with the added attraction of it being a crime painting - I couldn't resist. It hangs on my office wall next to my desk; this is a digital photo, and isn't quite true to Feck's amazing use of color on the piece.

Oddly, there's very little info out there on the artist, and I wish I knew more about him. He seemed to work a lot for Bantam Books - including several covers for the early Clive Cussler "Dirk Pitt" novels and a fair number of science fiction titles. I believe he passed away in 1981.

On the back of this painting, scrawled in black marker, is "The Assassinater" (sic), which I presume is the title (or an approximation thereof) of the book this painting graced.... but I have not been able to track it down.  From the dead girl's clothing, I'm guessing it was published in the mid-to-late Sixties.

I guess I'm wondering if anyone knows what book this painting appeared on. I'd like to track down a copy since I own the painting. If anyone knows - Bish, maybe? - please drop me a line.


  1. Feck also did the first five Bantam Shadow paperback covers, and, IIRC the Tempo reprint of "Grove of Doom".

  2. Definitely cool. I don't think I've ever seen it. Looks like a noir type book perhaps might fit it.

  3. THAT is a cool painting. I'm glad it was saved from the trash and is in the hands of someone who values it.

  4. It's very cool, but I don't recognize it. I'll keep looking...


  5. Fantastic painting!

  6. I am pretty sure that Sandy Kossin illustrated the Bantam paperback covers and with mixed reviews. I always liked them.

    Lou Feck was an amazing artist. congrats on a beautiful piece.
    It was common practice during the
    40's through the late 70's to dump, give away and even burn to heat the building the old paintings and illustrations. Seems at the time the artists didn't seem that interested in getting the paintings back. If they were rushed or didn't like the piece sometimes they would not sign it. nice site.
