Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New ATOMIC PULP Homepage!

My wife and I (okay, mostly her) are still working to resolve some minor domain name/redirect issues, but the new Atomic Pulp site - the "official" homepage of yours truly - is now live.

Unlike the previous version, this one is built on WordPress software, so updating it will be a lot easier. No more old, outdated information (like where it still said that Femme Noir was "coming soon") hanging around forever, and all news items about my projects will be right there on the front page... while they're still news. No more hunting around for them only to find they're months old, and no more having to come to this blog to find out what I'm up to.

In fact, there will be far fewer work-related posts here, although there will always be some. However, the plan is that this blog will be more about my pop culture obsessions and personal musings, while the professional stuff will be primarily kept over on, well, my professional site.

Anyway, check it out.


  1. Cool. I'll have a gander.

  2. I think it looks fantastic. Love the logo. LOVE it.

  3. It looks great chris. Very very nice desing

  4. Love the new look. Helping to spread the word at Chris Mills Spruces Up Atomic Pulp
