Monday, May 25, 2009

New Blog: Spy-Fi Channel

Yeah, so, I've created yet another blog that I won't post to nearly as often as I'd like to. This one's devoted to one specific fanboy obsession (of many): my love for spy movies and fiction, or as I generally refer to it, "Spy-Fi."

It's called Spy-Fi Channel, and like the Guns In the Gutters blog, it will be updated on an highly irregular schedule, as I feel like I have something to say on the topic. To kick it off, I've cross-posted some older posts from this site – the Lightning Bolt and Return of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. DVD reviews, among others – but I've also started writing about individual episodes of the old 1979 Robert Conrad spy series, A Man Called Sloane, and intend to review spy fiction as well, beginning with the Alan Caillou "Ian Quayle" novels of the mid-80s.

Why another blog? Well, like my crime comics blog, it's a subject I like to write about occasionally and I wanted to have a special place to do so. It doesn't mean that I won't ever post spy-fi reviews and stuff here, because I probably will. But most of that material will be relegated to the new site. Of course, most likely, it will be like the crime comics blog, with infrequent bouts of prolific posting followed by months and months of inactivity. But, hey – that's me.

So, if you're interested, check out the new blog here.


  1. I like it! I'm a spy fan too; loved Man From Uncle. I even was a member of the Man From Uncle fan club when I was a kid... had the card and everything.

  2. Cool idea. Love the header and name of the blog.

    Helpin' to get the word out:

  3. You should create an Amazon referral account, so if people click through from your articles and buy the books/DVDs you get a few pennies.
