Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Femme Noir WINS Spinetingler Award!

Well, I'll be damned!

I still am waiting on the official notice, but apparently, Femme Noir: The Dark City Diaries has won the second annual Spinetingler Magazine Award in the Graphic Novel category, over such high caliber competition as 100 Bullets, Criminal, Incognegro, Scalped and Hawaiian Dick.

At least, according to this site.

Thanks to everyone who voted!

In other news, I got my advance copies of the (now award-winning) trade paperback collection today, and it looks incredible. I am so thrilled to finally have this series collected. This has been the goal for the last nine years. If Diamond is on the ball, the book should be in comic stores in about two weeks! Hopefully, it'll be showing up in bookstores and with online retailers soon after.

UPDATED: Here are the official results. Looks like we really won.


  1. Told ya it would win.

  2. You did. Now I'm suspicious....

  3. That's really cool! congrats.

  4. Congratulations, on both the award and the trade paperback.

  5. Hey Chris that's fantastic, I'll look for it. Congrats.

  6. holy crap! that's awesome! my first award winning project.

  7. Gary Chaloner2:12 AM

    Not surprising at all. Congrats Boss!
