Sunday, October 19, 2008

Guns, guns, guns, guns!

I managed to make some time yesterday to do a little posting over on my Guns In The Gutters blog, so anyone who's still interested at this point, might want to swing over and check it out.

I was originally inspired to create that blog by Rob Kelly's vast array of specialized comics blogs, specifically, All In Black & White. Sadly, he's retiring that particular site, and it's motivated me to again make an effort to try and update mine more often.

I intend to post any news I come across about upcoming crime/adventure comics, including those that might be on their way to film. I've also got a handful of new reviews written and they'll be posted over the next few days.

I've no idea how long I'll be able to keep it up, but for the next week or so, anyway, there will be some new stuff there.