Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another Noir Review

A very nice Femme Noir review just popped up at The Pullbox.
Are you a fan of hard boiled action, organized crime, street level vigilantes, tons of mystery, justice given with a gloved fist, high heels, and .45? Then you should be reading Femme Noir. Christopher Mills and Joe Staton have created a world that jumps right out of a 1936 radio or a dime store pulp novel. As I was reading the first two issues, I was enthralled with the story and completely wrapped in the art. The city the story takes place is like giant combination of Gotham City, Dark City, and New York’s Hell’s Kitchen all rolled into one. Obviously not a place you want to visit, but a place people love to read about. Grade: A
Remember: the first issue should be in stores next Wednesday!


  1. Sounds promising. Congrats. Glad to see it getting some word of mouth.

  2. The guys at The Pullbox are pals of mine and they are mighty picky in what they like. So This is a mighty good thing!

  3. Man, I can't WAIT to read this series!

  4. Anonymous4:55 PM

    check this out!

  5. Looks good. Reads well. I give it two thu...

    I have been informed by the lawyers that I cannot, in fact, give it two thumbs up for reasons of trademark. Instead, I will give it to hands-as-pistols shooting into the air.

    Good job, Boss. Look forward to the rest.

  6. My pals over at Comic Pants just gave your book a good review

    Stumbled on your site by chance was doing a image search on Eduardo Barreto, which led me to the Cobb post on your site, thought it was cool so I decided to check out more recent posts and their was Femme Noir, which I'd just read about the other day was thinking about picking it up from the review, now I most definitely will.
