Thursday, May 15, 2008

John Phillip Law R.I.P.

Cinema Retro is reporting that International film star – and the best Sinbad ever – John Phillip Law passed away earlier this week at the far-too-young age of 70.

The handsome actor starred in various films, most of which were made in Europe. He was the lead in two of my favorite movies: Mario Bava's amazing Danger Diabolik, where he played the masked super-criminal, and The Golden Voyage of Sinbad, where he played the only film Sinbad who didn't look and sound like he came from the American Midwest. He was also featured in Barbarella as Jane Fonda's sightless, nearly-nude angel lover, and in the memorable Spaghetti Western Death Rides A Horse, opposite the great Lee Van Cleef.

I always liked watching Law, and when I picked up the Diabolik DVD a couple years ago, I was pleased to find that he had recorded a commentary track. I was even more pleased when I heard it – Law came across as a very intelligent, erudite and witty individual, with a genuine love of his craft and an appreciation for his eclectic career. His commentary was insightful, humerous and filled with fascinating anecdotes about filmmaking on the Continent in the swinging Sixties.

As a fan of outre cinema, I'm really going to miss him.


  1. dang, sorry to hear of his passing :(

    he was quite the character, all right, always impressive....

  2. I didn't realize until now he was the same guy who did the angel in Barbarella. I remember liking him very much in sinbad and I agree, he was the best ever. And Carolyn Munro was the perfect love interest in that film, my favorite of them.
