Friday, August 22, 2014


After about a year and a half of regular weekly Friday updates, the first (and hopefully, not last) Perils On Planet X graphic novel, "Hawke of Terra," is nearly completed (just two pages/weeks to go). This project has been in the works so long (almost 15 years!) that I can hardly believe it's almost finished.

I'm pretty proud of the story, which is my take on classic interplanetary swashbucklers like John Carter of Mars and Flash Gordon, and am especially pleased with the visual storytelling of my artistic collaborator and partner, the amazing Gene Gonzales. The importance of our colorist, Ian Sokoliwski's,  Technicolor hues cannot be underestimated, either. I've been very fortunate to have such talented collaborators.

If you haven't kept up with Perils On Planet X - or worse, haven't read it at all! - you can still read it from the beginning, for free on the site. That link will take you right to the first page. Our future plans are still up in the air, so this might be a good time to take a few minutes and catch up... and maybe post your thoughts on the book.


  1. Love pulp sci-fi and I've been loving this excellent series too! Very much in the vein of the old pulp action heroes and the pirate movies.

    Great work by all involved, and definitely put me down for a graphic novel! Look forward to seeing any further adventures of Donovan Hawke

  2. Thanks, Andy. I've appreciated your enthusiastic support from the beginning.

  3. Shared on google+, Twitter, and fb. :D Keep up the great work!

  4. Good stuff. I hope it does turn up in a collected form. I'd love to have it.
