Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday Cover: THE ROOK

Someone at Warren really liked this cover image - the first is from The Rook #4, published in 1979, and is painted (according to the Grand Comics Database) by Nestor Redondo. The second is from just three issues later (#7) and features time-and-space-hopping hero Restin Dane battling what appears to be the same critter, this time painted by Jordi Penalva!


  1. Kevin Findley10:10 PM

    I loved the Rook magazine back when I was a kid. It was on the magazine rack next to Savage Sword of Conan and if it was a long grocery shopping trip, I had time to read both. This would be perfect in the B&W reprint books just like SSOC.

  2. I remember having one Rook magazine and liking it. Another by Warren (is that who did these mags) was a one shot called Hard John Apple's Nuclear Hit Parade. If you see it, get it, I remember it being good too.
