Here's the cold open to a recent episode of Cartoon Network's Batman: The Brave & The Bold animated series that teams the caped crusader up with Hanna-Barbera's spectre of the stars, the legendary Space Ghost - and his companions, Jan, Jace and Blip! Actually, at just under 6 minutes, this is nearly the length of an actual, complete 60s Space Ghost episode!
Gorgeous stuff. A nice homage to Alex Toth's original Space Ghost designs, but with a nice, modern feel. This really makes me want to see WB Animation and Cartoon Network create a new Space Ghost/Herculoids adventure hour - or, better yet, a direct-to-disc feature film!
That was cooler than cool!! Always loved Space Ghost, and Hanna Barbera always seemed to love the superhero genre, they did it better than almost anyone in their day.
Don't forget to add Thundarr to that Adventure Hour!
ReplyDeleteIs that Varan and a Gaos at the end there?
ReplyDeleteThat was cooler than cool!! Always loved Space Ghost, and Hanna Barbera always seemed to love the superhero genre, they did it better than almost anyone in their day.
ReplyDeleteOh man Thundarr + Space Ghost + Herculoids done in Brave and the Bold style?
Thanks for posting this Chris!