Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kelly Covers Carter

Down To A Sunless Sea
Jandar Of Callisto
Ylana Of Callisto
Just because they're pretty, here are three stunning and evocative paintings by fantasy illustrator Ken Kelly that graced the covers of the Lin Carter interplanetary adventure novels Down To A Sunless Sea, Jandar Of Callisto, and Ylana Of Callisto.



  1. I have books with the first two covers. That top one I really really like. It's just greatly imaginative to me.

  2. I have books with the first two covers. That top one I really really like. It's just greatly imaginative to me.

  3. Great cover paintings. I just came back from Worldcon where Boris Vallejo was a guest-of-honor -- there are/were so many other artists working in the field that deserved more attention than Boris.
