Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Wednesday Covers: The GRACKLE

Back in the mid-90s, right around the time that Frank Miller's Sin City and David Lapham's Stray Bullets were actually selling better than many super-hero titles, the increasingly desperate management of Acclaim Comics decided to launch an entire line of crime comics. One of them was a limited series called The Grackle, written by Mike Baron and illustrated by the great Paul Gulacy. Here are two of the four cover illustrations he did for that miniseries.


  1. Gulacy has often been compared to Steranko, but personally, I think he's more versatile than Steranko. He certainly has a much larger body of actual illustrative work to his credit.

  2. violence, betrayal, sex. I'm in!

  3. Good luck finding it at this late date! :)

    Actually, although I loved Gulacy's artwork, I wasn't impressed with Mike Baron's story.

  4. As a big fan of Gulacy I picked the first issue one back when it came out, but sorta lost track of it after that. Like you said the story wasn't all that memorable.

  5. I can see the Steranko comparison with the pop art background & scantily clad women. Never read the comic.
