Thursday, December 10, 2009

Winter of my Discontent

Or something like that. Winter's finally here, with roughly a foot of snow on the ground from today's storm. The farmhouse is drafty and chilly, and the dog isn't quite so eager to go outside during the day... and certainly doesn't dawdle when she does.

I've been going through a period of self-examination and trying to take some positive action toward improving my - and my family's - situation. Persistent health and financial problems (which go hand-in-hand) have had me down for too long - years! - and I'm hopeful that some of the steps I've recently taken will help me turn things around.

I'm working on more Kolchak the Night Stalker and Captain Midnight scripts for Moonstone, and have signed on to contribute further prose stories to the company's line of pulp anthologies. I also expect the Femme Noir webcomics collection and new Gravedigger graphic novel to see print in the new year. Other projects are also continuing to creep along, and I'll let you know once I have a firmer idea of their publication date.

Unfortunately, I've fallen off track a bit with my DVD Late Show column for Forces of Geek, and am working hard to get that back on schedule. I've got a lot of discs to review, and writing the column is something I really enjoy doing.

This winter I'm working out of a different room, having moved my office a few months ago. This one is warmer (with the space heater, anyway) and has a door I can close, so hopefully it will be a more conducive atmosphere to work and write in.

We're rapidly closing in on the end of the year. And, frankly, I can't say that I'm going to miss 2009 when it's gone. I'm hoping that as we move into the second decade of the 21st century, I can finally shake off some of the things that have been holding me back (both internal and external) and start making some serious progress toward accomplishing some long-held goals. Like writing that novel, for instance, or actually making a reasonable living again.

It's really tough to be - and then stay - positive these days, and it's not something I've got much experience with. But... I'm trying.

Thanks for being there, guys and gals. It helps.


  1. I feel your pain. My beloved wife has been searching for a job for many months now as well having undergone knee-replacement surgery. She's recoverd, but the job market is lean in our chosen profession, teaching, right now.

    We just got word that unemployment insurance is about to undergo a significant hiccup in January unless the Congress acts with haste throwing about 1 million folks off the lists early. My wife is caught up in that. She's got her hopes set on a job she interviewed for last week, but each passing dims those hopes.

    As you say, trying to stay chipper in these times is tough, but I console myself by thinking that as 21st century folk, we still live like kings compared to previous centuries.

    Hang in there, and know others are with you.


  2. It's been a rough couple of years, hasn't it. I can not imagine how bad the depression must have been... just going through the last couple of years has left so many people reeling. I don't know of a single family not effected.

    Hang in there, boss. You're not alone and you know we're pulling for ya!

  3. It sounds like you and I have been going through some of the same things this year when it comes to our writing. I, too, am trying to shake off 2009 and get back to what I really love. I don't think there's a person in the country that won't be glad to see 2009 go away. Hang in there.

  4. 2009 was pretty good for me until the end. The past few months have been a serious struggle. I hope things do get back on track for you in 2010. It's amazing how fast this year has gone.

  5. Been done and out, too. When I left the state of Florida almost eleven years ago, my marriage of nine years was crumbling and I was owed $30,000 from a movie studio that had vanished overnight. When I arrived here in Saint Paul, MN I had less than $800 to my name, no place to live, and no job prospects. Even so, through hard work and sheer stubbornness, I became a full-time writer again. If I can do it, anyone can...if they are willing to apply the effort. Never give up your dream.

  6. I also hope 2010 treats you and yours a bit better Christopher. Though it's hard to really connect via cyber-space (not that many would want to know me a whole lot better :) ) I do think there is a wonderful fraternity of like-minded genre afficianados out here... and we, I, do hope and pray things greatly improve for you buddy!
    your pal,

  7. Wish you all good years. I posted a thread on a board talking about the end of the decade 2000-2009, and was corrected by someone saying, the decade runs from 2001-2010. I really wasn't sure, but had seen other sites where people were talking about the end of the decade and best of movie list for 2000-2009. Yep, it's a nitpicking type thing, but does anyone know for sure?

  8. Technically, that's correct - the decade runs from 2001-2010. BUT since everybody and their brother insisted that 2000 was the beginning of the 21st Century... well, what's one year, more or less? :)

  9. Here's to a great 2010 Christopher! Keep writing and for sure, keep up the blogging!
