Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Still Alive...

...if not exactly "kickin'."

Sorry I haven't posted for a while (nearly a week!), but there hasn't been much going on around here, nor all that much interesting stuff (or what I consider "interesting") on my mind. I've been slogging away, trying to get a handle on my various freelance commitments, watching some TV with the wife in the evenings (we're in the midst of a How I Met Your Mother marathon on DVD), and reading a few books.

I found a website called Book Closeouts which has great deals on brand-new remaindered books, and was able to pick up about eight hardcover novels for the price of about two and a half. I finally got a copy of The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril pulp homage novel by Paul Malmont, as well as several Max Allan Collins, Stuart Kaminsky and Bill Pronzini hardbacks that I had missed. These are three authors who, when I was financially solvent, I tried to keep up with and collect in hardcover, but as times grew leaner, I fell behind. Fortunately, I was able to find three of the last four Pronzini "Nameless Detective" novels on the site for only a few bucks each, so I'm nearly caught up with that series.

Still haven't seen Hellboy II or The Dark Knight. So keep your spoilers to yourself.

The second issue of Femme Noir: The Dark City Diaries should be out in a week or two. I know that it's been shipped to the distributors, so the street date depends on how quickly they can process it and ship it out. My guess is that it'll be in stores on the 30th (but it might be the week after).

Finally, we had a bad wind and rain squall here last Friday, and it knocked the hell out of a couple of our old trees. From the flattened grass in the field behind the house, it looks like a whirlwind touched down briefly. One of the trees split, dropping a heavy limb on the roof of our house. This mutha was huge, and it took my father and brother-in-law – along with several more family members – all day Saturday to cut it up and get it off the roof without damaging the building or hurting anyone.

More soon...


  1. Glad you're basically doing OK. And glad that limb didn't do more damage than it did. It's scary for us because we have a lot of trees around.

  2. Glad you are doing fine. I had just really started checking out your blog. We've had some bad weather here in NC recently.

  3. Glad to hear things are okay. I wasn't quite ready to send out the troops!

    Thanks for the link to the discount books. Never heard of it before, but plan to check it out!

  4. keep on recovery road, chris... thx for the link

  5. Yikes! That tree coming down must have been scary!

    Still alive here, too... buried by freelance gigs, but hey, they're paying the bills!

    Bookcloseouts also has a great selection of comic-strip books (and a few graphic novels). I've ordered from them a few times and have always gotten quick service.

    Looking forward to the 2nd issue of FN!
